“I want to be healthy, but it’s hard to get started.” I hear this a lot, especially during the dog-days of summer. I get it—it’s tough for me to get going when all I want is the pool and an ice-cold beverage. But here are a few tricks I use to stay motivated:
Healthy Trick #1: Change Just One Habit
Life is busy enough. Let’s not overwhelm ourselves by adding another part-time job in fitness. Pick one habit you know you can incorporate or change and get really good at it. Eat more protein, add more vegetables, work out 30 minutes three days a week, get 10,000 steps—whatever works for you. The habit itself doesn’t matter as long as it’s achievable and supports your goals.
Pro Tip: Give yourself grace. Nobody wins a marathon on their first mile. Avoid an all-or-nothing mindset to cement new habits, move forward, and create a solid foundation. Consistency over intensity.
Healthy Trick #2: Attach Your New Habit to Something You Enjoy
Link your new habit with something you already enjoy. Love morning coffee? Do five push-ups for each cup you drink. Have a favorite restaurant? Exercise three days before making a reservation. Be creative in designing small or large guardrails to keep you on track.
Pro Tip: Do cardio while watching your favorite shows or sporting events. It forces you to exercise when you don’t feel like it, carves out time to enjoy your series, and helps you reach your goals. Win-win-win.
healthy Trick #3: Create a Sense of Urgency
Circle a date on the calendar and be specific about what you want to achieve by that date. Saying, “I want to lose 10 lbs by October 19” creates more urgency than, “It would be nice to lose 10 lbs.”
Pro Tip: Connect that date with a significant event—a birthday, vacation, wedding, reunion, or the start of pool season. Choose something important to you and already on the calendar.
Yes, It’s Hard to Get Started
It’s even harder to get moving when the heat zaps your energy or after a busy day of activities. I’m guilty of over-thinking, over-committing, and over-doing any new goal I set. But by keeping these three rules in mind—changing one habit, attaching it to something enjoyable, and creating a sense of urgency—I stay motivated and consistent in achieving my goals.
Our program provides the resources, expertise, and support to help you achieve your goals effectively and efficiently. With a comprehensive approach that addresses both strength and muscle development, we empower our members to unlock their full potential and transform their bodies and lives for the better.
Coach Bob
PS: Book your FREE no sweat intro consultation here